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July Fernández

Marketing and advertising professional

I am July Fernández, marketing director based in Colombia. I am specialized in digital content, advertising strategies and digital marketing. I am currently writing my thesis for my MSC in Communication Design at Politecnico Di Milano.

Discover my work below!

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Web content

A fun and colorful website.

Content, design and web production

With this project I wanted to reflect a fresh, dynamic and professional image.

I lead the direction of the design of its corporate image, additionally I developed the information architecture and the implementation of the website in WordPress.

I have also worked in the web content strategy.

Information architecture and web content


Some time ago I met @ 🌟 A magical artist from Medellín.

I was lucky enough to support her with the direction of content for her website. We also had a small interview in which we had tea and she shared with me very important key moments for her creative development.


I created the information architecture, guided the template selection and developed the content for the website.

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Interactive storytelling

It is a master's project, in which I was part of the team that developed a story to raise awareness about the coral reef crisis. I was in charge of the creation of the site's information architecture, textual content and implementation of the website. tu contenido y cambiar la fuente.

Digital Ads

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Digital Marketing Strategy

Conintel is a company that builds and sells luxury apartments in Medellin, Colombia. My mission was to build a digital strategy that was sustainable over time to sell 3 of their projects.

My responsibility was leading the strategy that has increased its investment in digital ads by 80% and reached the sales goal at the launch of their first real estate project.

Tejidos Lav

Digital Content & Digital Ads


Tejidos Lav is a Colombian carpet brand that increased its digital sales during the pandemic. We started with average sales of USD 10,500 monthly in 2021. As of October 2022, we have reached 17,850 USD / month.

In these two years, the brand has increased its sales considerably and I have managed to create a solid communication tone.

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Digital Marketing Strategy

Conintel is a company that builds and sells luxury apartments in Medellin, Colombia. My mission was to build a digital strategy that was sustainable over time to sell 3 of their projects.

My responsibility was leading the strategy that has increased its investment in digital ads by 80% and reached the sales goal at the launch of their first real estate project.

Proyecto Katty
Proyecto Cornellus
Proyecto 1
Digital Ads
Proyeto Conintel
Proyect Tejidos
Proyecto Bionca



Vide Cotent

Video content

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Videos that 
tells a story

Script creation, video direction, and voice recording.

One of the activities that I enjoy the most is creating videos. Writing, planning, and transforming ideas into something tangible is pure magic...

Communication Tone
Communication Tone


Communication Tone

Bosco Botany


Bogotá, Colombia

Email: | Tel: +52-1-33-12345678

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